A promise made, a vow kept, a place of honor to be

As the temple is built, please enjoy this poem to Mars

Mars, god of war and agriculture,
You who roam through fields of red and rage,
Your sword forever sharpened in the soil,
The blood-stained earth your canvas of battle.

In Roman times, you were worshipped as a symbol,
A force to be reckoned with, feared yet admired;
Your name etched into history books,
Leaving an indelible mark on humanity's spirit.

Through the ages, we have waged wars in your name,
Fought for land and honor, power and pride;
Yet, you also nurtured our fields and harvests,
Giving life to crops that sustained us all.

Your symbol of blood-red is a constant reminder,
Of the duality within ourselves - light and dark;
The struggle between peace and conflict,
Between love and hate, creation and destruction.

Mars, as we journey through time's ever-changing tides,
May your wisdom guide us in our quest for balance,
And may we remember that the true essence of life lies not just in warfare,
But also in the nurturing embrace of nature you represent.